
裁定: Like a trial; the hearing in which a judge listens to testimony and declares if the alleged charges are true.

宣誓书:  Written statement of facts; the person who signs the affidavit swears an oath that the information given is true.

指控: 指控对某人提出的指控或要求.

吸引力: 向上级法院提出的要求推翻下级法院判决的申诉.

法庭指定特别辩护人: 由法官挑选的受过特殊训练的社区成员,为儿童的最大利益辩护.

案例计划: The list of steps that all parties must take before a child returns to the parents’ home; it is very important that parents follow the case plan and complete every requirement of the plan; case plans are reviewed at least every 6 months.

案例管理器: The person employed by DFACS to monitor the progress that a family is making on their case plan; the case manager can assist in providing services to the family and arranging visitation with the children.

虐待儿童: When a parent or caretaker intentionally injures a child; when a parent or caretaker intentionally neglects or exploits a child; any sexual abuse or exploitation of a child.

市民检讨小组: 一群受过训练的社区成员,他们审查一个家庭在案件计划方面取得的进展,并将这些发现报告给法官.

抱怨: 指控对另一个人提出的正式指控或指控.

保护儿童服务: 支助委负责处理关于可能滥用剥夺权利的初步投诉的部门.

托管人: 被给予儿童实际监护权并被要求提供该儿童的需要和安全的人.

犯罪: 青少年违反刑法的行为或行为,在某些情况下,是身份罪犯.

违约: 经少年法院审判人员裁定有违法行为的未成年人.


  • A child who is not receiving proper parental care; this includes a child who is not getting proper food, 不去上学吗, 或者没有得到适当的医疗照顾;
  • 被非法收养的孩子;
  • 弃婴:被遗弃的孩子;
  • 孤儿:没有父母或监护人的孩子.

家庭及儿童服务部: 人力资源部下属的一个国家机构,提供儿童保护服务和家庭案件管理服务.

性格: 审理结束后,在父母完成案件计划的同时,确定孩子将住在哪里.

寄养: 国家许可的临时住所, 集体之家或庇护所,在法庭诉讼期间,当父母根据案件计划的条款工作时,儿童可以住在那里.

《新皇冠现金官方》: 除父母以外对子女负有法律责任的人.

听力: 审判:在法官面前的审判或诉讼.

管辖范围: 法庭审理案件的权力.

法律的父亲: A man who has a legal right to be included in the upbringing and care of a child; a legal father is one of the following:

  • 男子:在孩子怀孕或出生时与母亲结婚的男子;
  • 没有娶到母亲的男人, 但承认父亲的身份,并通过法庭诉讼使孩子合法化;
  • 生父:承认父亲身份并与母亲结婚的生父.

注:出生证明上的生父是男性, 仅仅通过验血来确定亲子关系或命令他支付子女抚养费并不能使他成为合法的父亲.

合法化: 一个男人承认父亲身份并建立合法父子关系的过程.

记者:授权 A person required by law to report suspicion of a child abuse; this includes doctors, 护士, 老师, 警察, 儿童保育服务提供商, 和其他人.

Non-Reunification: A plan in which custody will not return to the parents; in some cases, 非团聚计划可先于终止父母权利诉讼.

方: 原告:诉讼中的请愿人或被告. 剥夺儿童权利案件的当事人是儿童福利院、父母和儿童维权人.

永久听力: A hearing after the disposition to determine what the permanent plan for the child is going to be; Federal law mandates that this hearing must take place no later than 1 YEAR after the day a child is taken into custody.

请愿书: 一种法律文件,阐明法院应介入某一事件的理由,并要求法院采取某种行动.

请愿者: 对父母提出虐待或剥夺权利主张的一方.

假定的父亲: Man who is alleged to be the biological father of a child; putative fathers have no legal rights to the child, 但可以通过使孩子合法化来确立这些权利.

被申请人: 被指控或控告的人.

特别助理司法部长: 代表DFACS的律师.

进攻现状: 被法律宣布为犯罪的行为,但只有未成年人才会犯. 这件事只能由少年法庭裁决.

传票: A legal document requiring a person to come to court; if you get a subpoena, you must come to court.

召唤: 通知你法庭案件并告诉你何时到庭的法律文件.

终止父母权利: Legal and permanent severance of the parent-child relationship; if parental rights are terminated, 这个孩子可能有资格被收养.

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